v1.0.0 (03/12/2020)
Clear temperature readings in °C or °F
Connect to multiple Philips Hue Bridges and Motion Sensors
Rearrange temperatures
Easy and intuitive setup
Review (Status: Approved)
Dear Apple Team,
Thank you for submission feedback.
We are sad to hear about recent rejection of publication of Hue Temperature to the AppStore.
Talk 2 Duck Limited worked hard to rectify highlighted issues and we hope that provided evidence is satisfactory to progress publishing of Hue Temperature application.
Issue 1: Hue Temperature cannot be tested (Guideline 2.1 - Information Needed)
Since Hue Temperature application requires Philips Hue Bridge, we have attached a test video with the current app version (also available at https://www.talk2duck.com/hue-temperature-release-v1-0-0-puev) showing all the functionality and interaction with associated hardware.
Issue 2: Hue Temperature includes assets and wording of Philips Hue Bridge (Guideline 5.2.1 - Legal - Intellectual Property)
We have corrected Content Rights clause for Hue Temperature app to accept that Talk 2 Duck Limited has all the necessary rights to third party content used in the app. Please note that Talk 2 Duck Limited is registered with Philips Hue Developer programme and that Hue Temperature uses all official assets and APIs provided by Philips brand through Signify Holdings, and has been designed in line with Hue Application Design Guidelines.
Hue Temperature uses the following:
- Official Philips Hue Icon Pack
- Official Philips Hue API
Since Philips Hue Developer portal requires authentication, we have attached screenshots of relevant sections explaining free use of above assets and APIs.
Please also find more details about copyright and use of API at https://developers.meethue.com/terms-of-use-and-conditions.
We appreciate if you let us know if our interpretation of rejection reasons is correct and if there are any outstanding issues preventing Hue Temperature app from being published.
At Talk 2 Duck Limited we take pride in our software and delivering it to the highest standards.
​Kind Regards,
Talk 2 Duck Team